Web Designing


Our Business is to Make your Business Grow
                                If your business does not have a website, or if you have a website that is not effectively helping your business, you are missing out on sales and potential ofits. Ifpr your competitors have a website and you don't, you will lose sales as more and more of your customers look to the web to do research on their buying decisions

Has to look professional and make a good impression.
Provide the customer with all the information in an easy to understand manner.
Take you customer to the next step in buying your product / service Your website has to do exactly the same thing. A successful website –
Represents your business professionally and makes a good, lasting impression.
Provides all the required information in an intuitive, easy to navigate format.
Is designed so that maximum people looking for your product / service find it on the Internet search engines.

The Orniz Technologies website development process

We listen to you describe your business, target audience and message you want to send them.
Based on your input we develop the website content and design including the logo and other graphics / animation.
These are then submitted to you for final approval and only after getting this approval, the site is taken live.
While designing the website we also consider page download times and search engine effectiveness.
Our ultimate goal is to ensure that your website not only makes you look good but also contributes towards your business growth and profits.


Page Layout and Content:

It is important to ensure that the most important topics are presented at the top of the page above the fold line so that the important information is presented when the page is first displayed in the visitor’s browser. Research has shown that visitors typically decide in the first five to seven seconds whether the site offers the information they are looking for.

Short sentences and short paragraphs with no more than four to five lines per paragraph are preferred over longer more technical dialog since the reader is able to scan the page for what they are looking for quickly. Recent changes in style are also favoring graphics and images over long, technical textual content.

Load Time:

Load time is the time it takes for your web site to display in your visitor’s browser depending upon the connection speed. Downloading smaller image files and consolidating images into one image file which is read and processed by the client-side program to position and display individual images on the computer screen are two techniques used to reduce load time.

Cross Browser Compatibility:

Cross Browser Compatibility means ensuring that the colors and web page layout display the same on different browsers. Different vendors process HTML directives differently or don’t process some commands at all. A good HTML manual reference can be of assistance but testing on different browsers is the best way to determine compatibility.

Color compatibility is the other issue. There are 216-browser safe colors and 256-web safe colors. If the designer wants to ensure color compatibility, they should use one of the 216 browser-safe colors. If the designer needs to use a color scheme outside of the browser-safe color palette, then using an embedded Flash color management profile can help ensure color compatibility. Adobe has an add-on that is now installed on most newer computer systems.

User-Friendly Navigation:

User-friendly navigation is another design consideration. If it is not intuitive, the visitor will soon become frustrated and leave the site. If the navigation has been coded in JavaScript, it will not be visible to visitors who have JavaScript disabled in their browser, so it is best to use HTML to ensure the navigation is accessible to all visitors.